"River Weather Playlist," Largehearted Boy
"The Cheap Laugh: Writing the Real and the True in Fiction," Necessary Fiction
"Leave the Fat: Finding Yourself In Your Work," Litreactor
"If My Book: River Weather," Monkey Bicycle
“A Song of Great Order: The Corrido and the Real in McCarthy’s The Crossing.”
Cormac McCarthy Journal. Vol 13. University Park: Penn State U Press, 2015.
“Happy Hour With Alec and Amy: Amy Schumer on Here’s the Thing.” Popmatters.
Popmatters Media, 18 Feb. 2016. Web.
"Zizek and Black America: Zizek Visits the Tavis Smiley Show." Popmatters.
Popmatters Media, 5 Nov. 2015. Web.
“The Performance of Non-Philosophy.” Vol. 22 Numbers 1-2. symploké. Omaha: U of Nebraska Press. 2014.
“Are We Ready for What We Desire? Zizek at Wall Street.” Drift, Issue 4, Fall 2011. Oakland: DRIFT/CAST, 2011.
Book chapters